
그러면 그 꿈이 꼭 현실이 되리라 I Dreamed A Dream[

정석_수학 2009. 6. 2. 22:09

꿈을 가져라.

그리고 신념을 가지라.

그러면 그 꿈이 꼭 현실이 되리라!

최근 영국의 장기자랑에서

촌스런 파마머리에 떡두꺼비같은 얼굴짙은  눈썹이

어쩌면 마음씨좋은 시골 촌부를 연상케하는

그래서 무대에 나왔을  전혀 기대가 안된다는 듯한 모든 사람들을

뛰어난 가창실력으로 일거에 심사위원뿐 아니라 방청객들을 매료시켜버린

올해 47세인 수산 보일의 노래



I Dreamed A Dream (Les Miserables Episode 1)


I dreamed a dream in time gone by 
When hope was high 
And life woth living 
I dreamed that love would never die 
I dreamed that God would be forgiving. 

Then I was young and unafraid 
And dreams were made and used 
And wasted 
There was no ransom to be paid 
No song unsung 
No wine untasted. 

But the tigers come at night 
With their voices soft as thunder 
As they tear your hope apart 
As they turn your dream to shame. 

And still 
I dream he'll come to me 
That we will live the years together 
But there are dreams that cannot be 
And there are storms 
We cannot weather... 

I had a dream my life would be 
So different form this hell I'm living 
so different now from what it seemed 
Now life has killed 
The dream I dreamed.




Susan.Boyle - 레미제라블 에피소드 I Dreamed A Dream 

Susan Boyle - Semi Final 1 - Britains Got Talent 2009 (HQ)


'생활상식·정보 > 음악_외국' 카테고리의 다른 글

Michael Jackson  (0) 2009.06.27
Physical / Olivia Newton John  (0) 2009.06.19
Time to say goodbye  (0) 2009.05.31
SUSAN BOYLE  (0) 2009.05.30
Woman In Love / Barbra Streisand  (0) 2009.05.20