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Abe and Japan's Deflation

정석_수학 2013. 1. 23. 13:26


Updated January 22, 2013, 3:26 p.m. ET

Abe and Japan's Deflation

Japan is still proving that quantitative easing is no substitute for structural reform.


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Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe scored a partial victory over the Bank of Japan 8301.JA +2.29% on Tuesday, as Governor Masaaki Shirakawa announced the expansion of the bank's quantitative easing program and a doubling of its inflation target to 2%. Mr. Abe won last month's general election in part because of his promise that he would force the central bank to take these measures to stop deflation. But the Bank of Japan's capitulation is unlikely to change much.

Financial markets were unimpressed, with stocks falling and the yen even strengthening a bit. There was a more positive response last month when Mr. Abe pushed his economic platform and won a larger than expected victory at the polls. This is consistent with the Bank of Japan's past attempts to fight deflation: Initial optimism quickly gives way to cynicism.

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Masaaki Shirakawa, governor of the Bank of Japan

And this goes to the heart of Japan's economic policy challenge. Deflation is more a symptom than the cause of its malaise. Certainly deflation depresses the desire of households to consume and companies to invest. But without structural reform to deregulate the Japanese economy and make it more open, productivity growth will continue to lag and wages decline.

Monetary policy is a weak tool when banks sitting on bad loans don't want to lend, and companies with unproductive assets don't want to borrow. After the BOJ prints money, the banks simply keep it on reserve with the central bank or buy new government bonds. Excess reserves stood at 27.8 trillion yen ($319 billion) as of the middle of December.

This doesn't mean we don't have some sympathy for Mr. Abe's frustration over the yen's value. He is taking flak from foreign officials, notably Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann on Tuesday, for explicitly calling for a weaker yen to boost the export competitiveness of Japanese companies. The critics are right that Japan cannot devalue its way to prosperity, and such rhetoric risks sparking a round of competitive devaluations like that seen in the 1930s.

However, Japan is also at the mercy of gyrations in the world's reserve currency, thanks to the U.S. Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy. The flood of dollars has weakened the greenback globally and worsened deflationary pressures in Japan and elsewhere.

The yen most recently appreciated by more than 25% from 2009 to late 2012, and seeking currency stability is not the same thing as competitive devaluation. As with past periods of a rising yen, this did not destroy the competitiveness of Japan's export powerhouses such as Toyota—precisely because it causes deflation, which compensates for the effects of the exchange rate. Any country that is highly integrated into the global economy is a price taker for tradable goods, and that filters through to the rest of the domestic economy.

The resulting strong yen creates a vicious cycle of expectations in Japan. Knowing that deflation follows, Japanese institutions and households sit on their holdings of government bonds and bank deposits. Moreover, they don't sell yen to invest overseas, because even though they are earning minimal interest rates at home, they have learned that any extra yield would be negated by the strengthening yen. This explains the lack of capital flight despite the knowledge that the Japanese government's debt is unsustainable.

Japan also lacks the one tool that might have allowed it to stabilize the value of the yen. Legally the Bank of Japan is required to sterilize interventions in the foreign exchange market—when the Ministry of Finance sells yen to buy dollars, the BOJ must take those yen out of circulation by selling bonds. This means that when the demand for yen is strong, the supply of yen doesn't increase. Allowing the central bank to accommodate the demand for yen is a better way to prevent deflation than having politicians like Mr. Abe browbeat the Bank of Japan into submission.

More broadly, structural economic reform is the only policy that can break the hold of deflationary expectations without risking a run on the yen. The tragedy for Japan—and thus for a world that needs faster Japanese growth—is that Mr. Abe is still stuck on public-works spending and other Keynesian demand-side stimulus prescriptions that have failed for more than 20 years. By focusing so much on the yen, Mr. Abe is missing the chance to promote supply-side reforms.


22일(화요일) 시라가와 마사아키 일본은행 총재가 양적 완화프로그램 확대계획을 발표하고 인플레이션 목표치를 1%에서 2%로 상향조정했다. 아베 신조 신임총리가 일본은행을 상대로 거둔 작은 승리라 하겠다. 지난 달 아베 총리가 이끄는 자민당은 일본은행에 압력을 행사해 디플레이션을 끝내겠다는 공약에 일부 기인해 총선에서 압승했다. 그러나 일본은행이 아베 총리에게 굽혔다고 해서 상황이 그다지 바뀔 것 같지는 않다.

이번 일본은행 발표에 투자자들이 시큰둥한 반응을 보이면서 주가가 떨어지고 엔화가치가 미미하게 상승했다. 아베 총리가 경제개혁 공약을 주창하고 자민당이 예상을 상회하는 큰 승리를 거뒀던 지난달만 해도 상당히 열렬했던 시장반응과 대조적이다. 일본은행이 디플레이션 타개전략을 제시할 때마다 반복된 현상이다. 투자자들이 처음에는 긍정적인 반응을 보이다가 곧 회의론으로 돌아서는 것이다.

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엔고가 초래되면서 일본에서는 기대의 악순환이 자리를 잡았다. 디플레이션을 예상하는 일본가계와 기업은 보유하고 있는 국채와 은행예금에 손을 대지 않을뿐 아니라, 국내 초저금리 때문에 미미한 이자를 받고 있음에도 해외투자를 위해 엔화를 매각하지 않는다. 외국에서 이자를 몇 퍼센트 더 받아봤자 엔화로 환산하면 이익이 없어지기 때문이다. 바로 이것이야말로 일본정부의 현 부채수준이 유지가 불가능한 상황인데도 일본에서 자본이탈이 일어나지 않는 이유이다.

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