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ECRI Weekly Leading Index: Sixth Week of Declining Growth

정석_수학 2011. 6. 4. 16:19


ECRI Weekly Leading Index: Sixth Week of Declining Growth

Seeking Alpha - ‎15 시간 전‎
The Weekly Leading Index (WLI) Growth indicator of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) declined to 4.9 from last week's 5.0. This is the sixth consecutive week of decline from the 11-month interim high of 7.8 for the week ending on April 15. ...
ECRI Leading Index Falls Again Wall Street Journal (blog)

ECRI's FIG Inflation Gauge Drops Again in May

Seeking Alpha - ‎12 시간 전‎
The Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) - a New York-based independent forecasting group, released its latest readings for its proprietary monthly Future Inflation Gauges this morning. ECRI says the value of their US Future Inflation Gauge (USFIG) ...

ECRI Inflation Gauge Drops to 101.0 in May

Bond Buyer - ‎17 시간 전‎
... to data released Friday morning by the Economic Cycle Research Institute. “With the USFIG hitting a seven-month low, underlying inflation pressures have clearly begun to recede,” ECRI Chief Operations Officer Lakshman Achuthan said in a release.

Friday's Stocks to Watch, Analyst Actions and Trading Topics

Yahoo! Finance (blog) - ‎11 시간 전‎
But this has been a slow, difficult climb "out" of the recession if you agree with the ECRI's assessment of the end of such things. For stocks, it looks like a weaker open is in the cards. Elsewhere, Moody's is saying the US needs to get its fiscal ...

Hiring Slows Sharply As Economic Recovery Flags

Investor's Business Daily - ‎7 시간 전‎
The Economic Cycle Research Institute's leading US index fell last week to a four-month low. The annualized growth rate also slid for the sixth straight week. "Economic growth is set to slow in coming months," ECRI Managing Director Lakshman Achuthan ...

Weekly Review: Effects of Tightening

NASDAQ - ‎13 시간 전‎
This week the Weekly Leading Index (WLI) from ECRI declined from 5.0% to 4.9%. This level implies the business conditions six months from now will be approximately the same or slightly improved compared to today. The four week moving average of initial ...

The Big Double-Dip

CounterPunch - ‎16 시간 전‎
Take Lakshman Achuthan and Anirvan Banerji who are, respectively, co-founder and chief operating officer and co-founder and chief research officer of ECRI, the Economic Cycle Research Institute. "The good news is that the much-feared double-dip ...


搜狐 - ‎17 시간 전‎
美国经济周期研究所(ECRI)周五(6月3日)指出,欧元区4月通胀压力触及29个月高点,且呈现强劲的周期性上扬趋势。主要受到德国和意大利通胀压力上扬所推升,而法国通胀压力有所下滑,西班牙则与3月持平。 数据显示,ECRI欧 ...

Fuertes presiones inflacionarias en zona euro en abril

Milenio.com - ‎12 시간 전‎
El ECRI dijo que su Medición de Inflación Futura en la Zona Euro se elevó a 102.5 en abril. La cifra de marzo fue revisada a la baja a 102.3 desde 102.7. Las presiones inflacionarias en la zona euro volvieron en abril a tocar sus máximos de 29 meses ...