주간 전망·일정

주간전망 , ( 8/1 - 8/5 )

정석_수학 2011. 7. 29. 19:03


<표> 美 주간 경제지표 발표 일정
(기간:8월1일∼6일, 한국시각 기준)
│ 일자 │      경 제 지 표         │발표시간│  기간  │ 예상치 │ 이전치 │
│ 8/01 │건설지출(전월비)          │ 23:00  │   6월  │   +0.1%│   -0.6%│
│      │ISM 제조업지수            │ 23:00  │   7월  │    54.5│    55.3│
│      │ISM 구매물가지수          │ 23:00  │   7월  │    64.0│    68.0│
│ 8/02 │개인소득                  │ 21:30  │   6월  │   +0.2%│   +0.3%│
│      │개인소비                  │ 21:30  │   6월  │   +0.1%│    0.0%│
│ 8/03 │총 차량판매               │ 06:00  │   7월  │  11.80M│  11.41M│
│      │국내 자동차판매           │ 06:00  │   7월  │   9.30M│   8.95M│
│      │MBA 주택융자 신청지수     │ 20:00  │ 7월29일│       -│   -5.0%│
│      │ISM 비제조업지수          │ 23:00  │   7월  │    53.7│    53.3│
│      │제조업지수                │ 23:00  │   6월  │   -0.8%│   +0.8%│
│ 8/04 │신규 실업수당 신청건수    │ 21:30  │ 7월30일│ 405,000│ 398,000│
│      │ICSC연쇄점매출(~5일)      │   -    │   7월  │       -│   +6.9%│
│ 8/05 │비농업부분고용자수 변동   │ 21:30  │   7월  │  90,000│  18,000│
│      │민간부문 고용자수 변동    │ 21:30  │   7월  │ 115,000│  57,000│
│      │실업률                    │ 21:30  │   7월  │   +9.2%│   +9.2%│
│      │제조업임금변동            │ 21:30  │   7월  │  10,000│   6,000│
│      │시간당평균임금            │ 21:30  │   7월  │   +0.2%│    0.3%│
│      │주당평균근무시간          │ 21:30  │   7월  │    34.3│    34.3│
│ 8/06 │소비자신용지수            │ 04:00  │   6월  │ $5.000B│ $5.077B│


<저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>            2011-08-01 06:30  송고


<표> 주요국 주간 경제지표 발표 일정
(기간:8월1일∼5일, 한국시각 기준)
│ 일자 │ 국가 │    경  제  지  표    │ 발표 │ 기간 │ 예상치 │ 이전치 │
│      │      │                      │ 시간 │      │        │        │
│ 8/01 │ 일본 │자동차판매(전년비)    │ 14:00│  7월 │       -│  -23.3%│
│      │ 일본 │외환보유고(~7일)      │   -  │  7월 │       -│$1137.8B│
│      │ 중국 │제조업 PMI            │ 10:30│  7월 │    50.2│    50.9│
│      │ 중국 │HSBC 제조업 PMI       │ 11:30│  7월 │       -│    50.1│
│      │ 호주 │AIG 제조업 운영지수   │ 08:30│  7월 │       -│    52.9│
│      │ 호주 │HIA신규주택판매(전월비)  10:00│  6월 │       -│   -0.2%│
│      │ 홍콩 │소매업판매-가치       │ 17:30│  6월 │  +28.3%│  +27.8%│
│      │ 홍콩 │소매업판매-수량       │ 17:30│  6월 │  +21.6%│  +21.6%│
│      │ 인도 │수출(전년비)          │ 14:30│  6월 │       -│  +56.9%│
│      │ 인도 │수입총액(전년비)      │ 14:30│  6월 │       -│  +54.1%│
│      │브라질│제조업 PMI            │ 22:00│  7월 │       -│    49.0│
│      │브라질│무역수지-주간         │ 23:00│  7월 │  $3900M│  $4430M│
│      │브라질│수출                  │ 23:00│  7월 │ $23000M│ $23692M│
│      │브라질│수입                  │ 23:00│  7월 │ $19000M│ $19262M│
│      │  EU  │제조업 PMI            │ 17:00│  7월 │    50.4│    50.4│
│      │  EU  │유로권 실업률         │ 18:00│  6월 │   +9.9%│   +9.9%│
│      │ 영국 │제조업 PMI            │ 17:30│  7월 │    51.0│    51.3│
│      │ 독일 │제조업 PMI            │ 16:55│  7월 │    52.1│    52.1│
│      │프랑스│제조업 PMI            │ 16:50│  7월 │    50.1│    50.1│
│ 8/02 │ 일본 │본원통화(전년비)      │ 08:50│  7월 │       -│  +17.0%│
│      │ 일본 │노동자현금수입(")     │ 10:30│  6월 │   +0.4%│   +1.0%│
│      │ 호주 │주택가격지수(분기비)  │ 10:30│ 2분기│   -1.0%│   -1.7%│
│      │ 호주 │주택가격지수(전년비)  │ 10:30│ 2분기│   -3.0%│   -0.2%│
│      │ 호주 │건축허가(전월비)      │ 10:30│  6월 │   +3.0%│   -7.9%│
│      │ 호주 │건축허가(전년비)      │ 10:30│  6월 │  -10.3%│  -14.4%│
│      │ 호주 │금리 공시             │ 13:30│ 8/02 │  +4.75%│  +4.75%│
│      │브라질│산업생산(전월비)      │ 21:00│  6월 │   -0.4%│   +1.3%│
│      │브라질│CNI설비가동률(~6일)   │   -  │  6월 │       -│  +82.4%│
│      │  EU  │유로권 PPI(전월비)    │ 18:00│  6월 │   +0.1%│   -0.2%│
│      │  EU  │유로권 PPI(전년비)    │ 18:00│  6월 │   +5.9%│   +6.2%│
│ 8/03 │ 중국 │비제조업 PMI          │ 10:00│  7월 │       -│    57.0│
│      │ 중국 │HSBC 비제조업 PMI     │ 11:30│  7월 │       -│    54.1│
│      │ 호주 │AIG 서비스업 운영지수 │ 08:30│  7월 │       -│    48.5│
│      │ 호주 │무역수지              │ 10:30│  6월 │  2,200M│  2,333M│
│      │ 호주 │소매판매(전월비)      │ 10:30│  6월 │   +0.4%│   -0.6%│
│      │ 호주 │외환보유고            │ 15:30│  7월 │       -│  $41.1B│
│      │ 홍콩 │구매자협회지수(~4일)  │   -  │  7월 │       -│    50.3│
│      │  EU  │복합 PMI              │ 17:00│  7월 │    50.8│    50.8│
│      │  EU  │비제조업 PMI          │ 17:00│  7월 │    51.4│    51.4│
│      │  EU  │유로권소매판매(전월비)│ 18:00│  6월 │   +0.5%│   -1.0%│
│      │ 영국 │비제조업 PMI          │ 17:30│  7월 │    53.2│    53.9│
│      │ 영국 │외환보유고            │ 17:30│  7월 │       -│  -$148M│
│      │ 독일 │비제조업 PMI          │ 16:55│  7월 │    52.9│    52.9│
│      │프랑스│비제조업 PMI          │ 16:15│  7월 │    54.2│    54.2│
│ 8/04 │ 인도 │식품도매물가지수      │ 15:30│ 7/23 │       -│  +7.33%│
│      │ 인도 │유류도매물가지수      │ 15:30│ 7/23 │       -│ +12.12%│
│      │ 인도 │생필품도매물가지수    │ 15:30│ 7/23 │       -│ +10.49%│
│      │브라질│자동차판매            │ 22:30│  7월 │       -│  304333│
│      │브라질│자동차생산            │ 22:30│  7월 │       -│  295605│
│      │브라질│자동차수출            │ 22:30│  7월 │       -│   36555│
│      │  EU  │ECB 금리 공시         │ 20:45│ 8/04 │  +1.50%│  +1.50%│
│      │ 영국 │BOE 공시 공시         │ 20:00│ 8/04 │  +0.50%│  +0.50%│
│      │ 영국 │신규차량등록(전년비)  │   -  │  7월 │       -│   -6.2%│
│      │ 독일 │제조업수주(전월비)    │ 19:00│  6월 │   -0.5%│   +1.8%│
│ 8/05 │ 일본 │동행지수              │ 14:00│  6월 │   108.7│   106.3│
│      │ 일본 │선행지수              │ 14:00│  6월 │   103.4│    99.6│
│      │ 일본 │금리 공시             │   -  │ 8/05 │       -│  +0.10%│
│      │ 호주 │AIG 건설업 운영지수   │ 08:30│  7월 │       -│    35.8│
│      │ 영국 │PPI투입물가원지수(전월비)17:30│  7월 │   +0.7%│   +0.4%│
│      │ 영국 │PPI산출물가원지수(")  │ 17:30│  7월 │   +0.2%│   +0.1%│
│      │ 영국 │PPI산출근원물자원지수(") 17:30│  7월 │   +0.2%│   +0.2%│
│      │ 독일 │산업생산(전월비)      │ 19:00│  6월 │   +0.1%│   +1.2%│
│      │프랑스│무역수지              │ 15:45│  6월 │ -6,500M│ -7,422M│


<저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>            2011-08-01 06:30  송고


Monday Aug 1

2-Yr Note Settlement

5-Yr Note Settlement

7-Yr Note Settlement

ISM Mfg Index
10:00 AM ET


8:55 AM ET


Factory Orders
10:00 AM ET

ISM Non-Mfg Index
10:00 AM ET


Weekly Bill Settlement

Jobless Claims
8:30 AM ET

Treasury STRIPS
3:00 PM ET

Money Supply
4:30 PM ET

Consumer Credit
3:00 PM ET
Equity Settlement
Equity Settlement
Equity Settlement
Equity Settlement
Equity Settlement


Wall Street Week Ahead: Debt and data suggest more losses

Related Topics

Traders work on the main trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange July 29, 2011. REUTERS/Mike Segar

NEW YORK | Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:51pm EDT

(Reuters) - Stocks are likely to face more selling pressure next week as the Tuesday deadline draws near for raising the U.S. debt ceiling and Washington remains paralyzed by political brinkmanship.

Anxiety over the debt crisis sent the S&P 500 lower for five straight days, resulting in the worst week and month for the benchmark index since August. The CBOE Volatility index, Wall Street's "fear index," rose more than 40 percent for the week, its biggest jump since early May.

With four days before the United States loses its ability to borrow, U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday told Republicans and Democrats to stop bickering and find a way "out of this mess.

"Right now, overall the market is being totally driven by the debt situation, whether it is in Europe or the U.S.," said Rick Bensignor, chief market strategist at Dahlman Rose in New York.

The deadline for raising the U.S. debt ceiling has investors on edge. Volatility, currently at its highest since the earthquake in Japan, can be expected to increase as time runs out.

"You've got individual stocks that can make significant moves but the market itself collectively is being pushed and pulled by every headline and how the wind is blowing out of Washington at any given moment."

The recent slide has also put stocks in a precarious position from a technical perspective as the S&P 500 index moves closer to its 200-day moving average, a level which could bring about additional selling if the index breaks below it.

The benchmark index successfully bounced off the level on Friday after the early morning decline.

"That is the line in the sand that really divides things going maybe bad -- to things really turning bad," said Paul Mendelsohn, chief investment strategist at Windham Financial Services in Charlotte, Vermont.

"If we take that out next week -- man, I'm not neutral, I'm short."

Even if a deal is struck, the possibility remains the United States could lose its prized triple-A credit rating if the terms are not stringent enough to satisfy credit rating agencies.

"You are definitely going to get the downgrade by S&P," said Ken Polcari, managing director at ICAP Equities in New York.

"You are still waiting on what the ultimate deal is going to be and it's just not going to be what everybody expects, so you are going to see disappointment in the markets."

Investors can still find some solace in corporate earnings. According to Thomson Reuters data through Friday, of the 327 S&P 500 companies that have posted earnings, 73 percent have reported results higher than analysts' expectations.

Companies expected to report earnings next week include Kraft Foods Inc, Clorox Co, Pfizer Inc and Prudential Financial Inc.

"Individual stocks, especially after earnings are trading on their own accord and you are seeing moves of 5 to 10 percent sometimes after earnings come out," said Bensignor.

But added pressure is coming from economic data, with the latest revision of gross domestic product showing the U.S. economy stumbled badly in the first half of 2011 and came close to contracting in the January-March period.

The flagging data offers little hope next week's data -- including July's employment report -- can turn the tide of the pressure.

"I don't think the market is pricing in very much for the possibility we don't get a debt deal done, given how bad the economic data has been," said Michael Marrale, managing director and head of sales trading at RBC Capital Markets in New York.

"Put it this way, putting all the debt deal concerns aside, the market would probably be here anyway."

As investors asses the debt ceiling debate, slowing economic data and corporate earnings, they must remain prepared for any developments from the simmering debt crisis in the euro zone, which could further heighten investor angst.

"There are two things I keep my eye on -- one on Washington and one on Brussels, because between the two of them you never know which headline risk is going to hit you over the head next," said Mendelsohn.

(Reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Kenneth Barry)

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