주택저당증권의 이해 | ||||
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자 하는 많은 사람들 (Mortgagor)은 일시에 거액의 자금을 조달할 수 없기 때문에 금융기관 (Mortgage servicers)으로부터 장기의 모기지론을 대출받는다. 한편, 모기지론을 대부한 금융기관은 모기지론 금액의 일정부분을 서비스 비용 (Servicing fee)으로 부과하고 이를 모기지 기관 (Mortgage agency)으로 이전한다. 모기지 기관에서는 각각의 모기지론을 일정한 기준으로 분류하여 모기지 풀 (Mortgage pool)을 형성하고, 이를 바탕으로 모기지 증권, 즉, 주택저당증권 (Mortgage-backed security)을 발행하는 한편, 모기지론의 부도위험을 방지하기 위하여 신용보강 또는 보증 (Credit enhancement, guarantee)을 수행한다. 또한 투자은행 (Investment bank)들은 주택저당채권을 구입하여 기본적인 주택저당채권의 구조를 투자자들의 구미에 맞게 변형한 형태의 다단계채권을 발행한다. - 주택저당증권의 종류 - 주택저당증권의 지급은 어떻게 이루어지는가? - 주택저당증권의 수익과 위험 |
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Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)
Definition of 'Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)'A type of asset-backed security that is secured by a mortgage or collection of mortgages. These securities must also be grouped in one of the top two ratings as determined by a accredited credit rating agency, and usually pay periodic payments that are similar to coupon payments. Furthermore, the mortgage must have originated from a regulated and authorized financial institution.Also known as a "mortgage-related security" or a "mortgage pass through." | |
Investopedia explains 'Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)'When you invest in a mortgage-backed security you are essentially lending money to a home buyer or business. An MBS is a way for a smaller regional bank to lend mortgages to its customers without having to worry about whether the customers have the assets to cover the loan. Instead, the bank acts as a middleman between the home buyer and the investment markets.This type of security is also commonly used to redirect the interest and principal payments from the pool of mortgages to shareholders. These payments can be further broken down into different classes of securities, depending on the riskiness of different mortgages as they are classified under the MBS. | |
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